Tax identification number
All individuals liable to pay taxes in Spain or who are gonna be part of an economic transaction in Spain must obtain a tax identification number (NIE) for such purposes.
Learn all about the main taxes in Spain, deductible expenses, legal dispensations, how to calculate the taxable income, etc.
All individuals liable to pay taxes in Spain or who are gonna be part of an economic transaction in Spain must obtain a tax identification number (NIE) for such purposes.
This is a local tax levied on your Spanish property (whether of urban or rustic nature) and charged annually by the municipality, where the property is registered.
Value Added Tax is an indirect and general consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services. It is borne ultimately by the final consumer and is charged as a percentage of the price. Every consumer in Spain must pay it.
The Spanish tax on economic activities is a direct tax levied annually on the exercise of a business, professional, or artistic activity, regardless this activity is performed in business premises or not.
Corporate tax is a direct tax on corporate profits obtained within the taxation period, which normally coincides with the calendar year, unless a different period is stated in the company’s articles of association.
The Capital Gains Tax is the Spanish municipal tax on the increase in the value of the urban land since the last recorded transfer , not in the building erected upon it.
Property transfers, corporate transactions and stamp duties are subject to the Spanish property transfer and stamp duty tax.
The Spanish law provides the inheritance and the gift tax together. This tax is payable on the increase of wealth obtained either from a dead individual or by way of gift from an individual still alive.
The Personal Income Tax is a direct tax levied on the income of individuals. The taxable income is determined as the difference between the income earned and the expenses that are deductible under Spanish law.
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